Why force us to choose from a menu of fixed price settings?

I posted my first model to Fab.com and I was a bit annoyed that I could not set the exact price I wanted to list for the model.

I was forced to choose $0.99, $1.99, $2.99, etc. I’m sorry, but I dislike that overused, psychological trick to make people think something is cheaper than what it really is. Yes, sadly, it often works because people mentally “round down” so they think $1.99 is more like $1 than $2.

That may well be the case but I don’t want that, especially since I would like to just list my item as $1. That’s a 1. One. Uno. So if we are playing psychological sales tricks on people, I’d rather they see a “1” not a “99” even though there is a 0 before it. It’s a little thing, but it’s a preference and I see no reason why you shouldn’t provide your marketplace sellers with whatever exact price they prefer to set.


Epic gets a cut from every sale you make. Epic’s big data shows that such pricing tiers make more sales. You are ready to make a bit less sales for ethical reasons. However, Epic is not ready to lose its cut. You are on Epic’s platform, so you have to follow Epic’s rules. You can reassure yourself that you meant well, but the rules were forced upon you.

Even if it would be nice to make your own pricing, we need to acknowledge that FAB has much more important problems right now.

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