Why “Find Path to Location Synchronously” No return value?

I want to use“Find Path to Location Synchronously” node,Find Path points ,But sometimes there is a return value, and sometimes the return value is empty。
Who can help me? I will be very grateful

You need to plug a Nav Mesh Bounds Volume in Pathfinding Context.


It has been added, but it still doesn’t work, the green is covered, and the characters sometimes have problems.

Maybe your character is blocking the navigation, but I don’t know where you can change this option

I put a lot of the same characters in the scene, they are the vehicle type, some can be some can not, but some had failed, moving forward the smallest distance can be successful, so far I haven’t found the reason

Have you found the solution?

You can use GetPathfindingResult to check if path finding is successful

Maybe the two points is too high and out of Navigation.

I ran across this issue and, after many hours wasted time, figured out the issue for my use-case, documenting it here in case anyone else runs across the issue. In my situation Find Path to Location Synchronously didn’t work but AI Move To with the same inputs did.

It was due to the height of my actor combined with Get Actor Location where the Z value was high up compared to the navigation grid.

Instead of using Get Actor Location, I used Get Nav Agent Location which had the same X and Y values but a Z value that was at the bottom of the character rather than half-way up.

I assume AI Move To worked because it did some similar Z handling in the node.

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