Why editor in background 3 fps?

Is not right and heat laptop in idle state. Oldest versions of UE4 (<4.20) was fine. Plz refactor it and improve performance of handwork!

Code in source:

float UEditorEngine::GetMaxTickRate( float DeltaTime, bool bAllowFrameRateSmoothing ) const
	float MaxTickRate = 0.0f;
	if( !ShouldThrottleCPUUsage() )
		// do not limit fps in VR Preview mode
		if (IsVRPreviewActive())
			return 0.0f;
		const float SuperMaxTickRate = Super::GetMaxTickRate( DeltaTime, bAllowFrameRateSmoothing );
		if( SuperMaxTickRate != 0.0f )
			return SuperMaxTickRate;

		// Clamp editor frame rate, even if smoothing is disabled
		if( !bSmoothFrameRate && GIsEditor && !GIsPlayInEditorWorld )
			MaxTickRate = 1.0f / DeltaTime;
			if (SmoothedFrameRateRange.HasLowerBound())
				MaxTickRate = FMath::Max(MaxTickRate, SmoothedFrameRateRange.GetLowerBoundValue());
			if (SmoothedFrameRateRange.HasUpperBound())
				MaxTickRate = FMath::Min(MaxTickRate, SmoothedFrameRateRange.GetUpperBoundValue());

		// Laptops should throttle to 60 hz in editor to reduce battery drain
		static const auto CVarDontLimitOnBattery = IConsoleManager::Get().FindTConsoleVariableDataInt(TEXT("r.DontLimitOnBattery"));
		const bool bLimitOnBattery = (FPlatformMisc::IsRunningOnBattery() && CVarDontLimitOnBattery->GetValueOnGameThread() == 0);
		if( bLimitOnBattery )
			MaxTickRate = 60.0f;
		MaxTickRate = 3.0f;

	return MaxTickRate;

Editor Preferences => General => Performance => Use Less CPU when in Background

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Yes, i know. With disabled Use Less CPU when in Background, using cpu of unreal process is insane high. When enabled - process won’t stop and app updated 3 frames per sec (unwanted feature). Fix this issue may only in source engine, i hope developers be check it

Yeah, it would be nice if we could set a value between Just Barely Enough to Keep it Running and I’ll Take Everything You’ve Got.


Unfortunately it’s hard to understand the exact problem you’re reporting. Could you please rephrase? Or alternatively, answer these questions:

  1. Are you saying that your laptop is overheating if the editor is in the background, even when “Use Less CPU when in Background” is enabled?

  2. Are you saying enabling “Use Less CPU when in Background” affects performance when the editor is in the foreground as well?

Thank you in advance,


Hi. Even 1. When the editor is in the background, the process is constantly running under load 0.7-2.5% of cpu clock 2208MHz. Every time the project grows more, then the load becomes more. Before the load cpu was much less. I’m not sure exactly, but before version 4.22 there was no problem at all.

I’m found the reason for the increased CPU usage. The plugins work in the backgroud without stopping. And the more plugins are enabled, the heavier the load. When I turned on all the available plugins - the processor was loaded at 10% instead of 2-3%. The most load of third-party plugins from Marketplace, such as Low Entry, Victory, EMS, PhysicalLayout. I suggest that the developers take into account the above and add a restriction on the execution of looped tasks on plugins.

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