Why doesn't this change the rotation of the object?

I want to change this objects rotation and I’ve tried this:

I would like to know how I could make this work? I’m very new to Unreal so if you could also explain why this doesn’t work it would be appreciated!

Hey there @KMzuru! Welcome back to the community! So This node is meant to set the relative location based on it’s parent and rotation so when you hit shift it will rotate (just once) to the relative rotation you’d set.

First I’d verify that your input is being received by placing a print node behind the input (or a breakpoint if you’d like). Then if that works appropriately, we’d have to look into your parent to see if it’s following the actual relative location.

Here’s a video of the node that might provide some insight in the meantime!

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It does print and receive the input, so what I’m guessing is something else in the code is stopping it from rotating, thanks for the help!

No problem, could we see the hierarchy and setup of the BP? If it turns out that there’s no parent this won’t work as intended. Try swapping to the local rotations as well to see if that changes anything.

here is the hierarchy, I tried to rotate to spring arm as well but it didn’t seem to work.
I would send the blueprint but I still have a one media limit