Issue: I cloned the GitHub to D:/Projecten/Epic Games/UE4 GitHub, however, because of the spaces in the path, the “Refresh Projects”-button on the UnrealVS Extension doesn’t work, as it will throw an error the path D:/Projecten/Epic could not be found.
I have improved UnrealVS to be more tolerant of paths with spaces in them and built a new version of the extension. It should make its way into release 4.1, but in the meantime I’ve attached the new .vsix files here so you can download them immediately:
Possible cause…
There are some features that are currently disabled when UnrealVS thinks you don’t have UE4 loaded. It currently looks for a solution filename beginning with “UE4”. I really need to change this as it seems people are using different names.
I just checked the code and this feature is still activated when the solution is called UE4.sln. Anything else will disable it. I need to change this to UE4*sln to match the various solution names GenerateProjectFiles.bat produces.
Here’s another version to try that shouldn’t disable Refresh Projects when the solution has specific platforms in the name (e.g. UE4_Win64.sln). It still requires that the solution begins with UE4 however.