Why doesn't the UnrealVS extension refresh button work?

Issue: I cloned the GitHub to D:/Projecten/Epic Games/UE4 GitHub, however, because of the spaces in the path, the “Refresh Projects”-button on the UnrealVS Extension doesn’t work, as it will throw an error the path D:/Projecten/Epic could not be found.

Potential fix: Wrap the path in quotes.

Seems like the reload button is completely grayed out now for me, any reason for that?

Thanks for reporting this issue!

I have improved UnrealVS to be more tolerant of paths with spaces in them and built a new version of the extension. It should make its way into release 4.1, but in the meantime I’ve attached the new .vsix files here so you can download them immediately:

UnrealVS v1.28 for VS2012

UnrealVS v1.28 for VS2013

Possible cause…
There are some features that are currently disabled when UnrealVS thinks you don’t have UE4 loaded. It currently looks for a solution filename beginning with “UE4”. I really need to change this as it seems people are using different names.

Not sure why you’re seeing this. This generally happens when the first field (Startup Project) is blank, but that shouldn’t happen all that often.

I tried reproducing your issue as follows and did not encounter a disabled ‘Refresh Projects’ button:

  • clone EpicGames/UnrealEngine repo to D:\Projecten\Epic Games\UE4 GitHub
  • extract required binaries into root folder
  • run GenerateProjectFiles.bat in root folder
  • install UnrealVS version 1.28 attached above
  • open UE4.sln in VS2013 Professional

Try re-running the GenerateProjectFiles.bat file in the root folder of your cloned repo. Hopefully that will resolve the issue.

I just checked the code and this feature is still activated when the solution is called UE4.sln. Anything else will disable it. I need to change this to UE4*sln to match the various solution names GenerateProjectFiles.bat produces.

Here’s another version to try that shouldn’t disable Refresh Projects when the solution has specific platforms in the name (e.g. UE4_Win64.sln). It still requires that the solution begins with UE4 however.

UnrealVS v1.29 for Visual Studio 2012 & 2013

There’s a newer version available here if anyone is still having issues with this.

This issue seems to be persisting. My source project cannot be refreshed 4.2.1 and UnrealVS is 1.3

The button is grayed out regardless of what i do.