Why doesn't the root component ever get set up properly?

Why doesn’t the root component ever get set up properly?
When setting it as the root component, it immediately shifts upwards.

That’s probably because your SM_Bullet mesh was modelled upward.
The root component transform becomes the actor transform, it’s rotation / location will be determined by it’s rotation / location in the world so you can’t have a local rotation for this component in your blueprint.
Just rotate the mesh in your DCC to align it with the x axis and it should be good.

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The root component has no transform – it is, by definition, the same transform as the actor.
If you want the root component to be oriented some other way, you need to model it like that.
If you want to render something in a different way in an actor, you can’t make it a root component.

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Just a heads up, Your Sphere collision component should be the Root.

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