I’m sorry I’m really new to persona and skeletal meshes…
I have a nav mesh placed. And I have my skeletal mesh walking in place.
I have a ress F event plugged into simple move to actor. The goal is the get player character, and the target is the skeletal BP into get controller into the controller. and then actor does not move when F is pressed…it just continues to walk in place…is there something else I need to do? I just want it to walk towards me.
That tutorial is literally word for word what I said in the question what I’m doing and it’s not working. literally…
i have the EXACT same Blueprint setup and everything. . but I may have a Question that may help…
Is there something in Persona that tells the character to actually move??..Cuz I see the character is in an idol pose. before he presses F…hen My Actor is always walking place…that’s a blend space if I’m correct…
This was solved!! I seemed that I somehow played with a few settings and got it working…
I’m pretty sure the problem was somewhere in the noding and collision.