Why doesn't my vehicle steer when not moving?

Hi! I’m using the Chaos Vehicle and I notice that when I sit still and try to steer the vehicle seems to be frozen.

From what I can tell in the video the wheels appear to be turning when your sitting still…if your meaning why isn’t the whole vehicle turning well that’s probably be because that’s how vehicles work. vehicles don’t just turn unless they’re given thrust. If your wanting the vehicle to rotate while standing still you’ll have to edit the source code or BPs that controll it

I’m not sure if you mean

A) its unable to move with wheels turned and thrust applied or
B) it’s not moving when wheels turn

If B then like ROFLMAST3R said it needs thrust to move.

If A where you’re applying thrust it might require more torque. It isn’t moving very fast to begin with and I think turning creates resistance. Or collision could be getting stuck, if torque doesn’t work.

So I created a project Vehicle from UE5 samples. It works, I tried looking at the side by side settings to see if I missed something for my vehicle system but nothing.

Irl you can steer the wheels when you are not moving.

I don t understand why my wheels are not updated…
