Why doesnt my screenshot save?

So im currently working in 4.16
im trying to take a screenshot by blueprint, its not saving the screenshot.

First of all, it saves with the same name, second, when clicked on the link where it supposed to be save, it doesnt even open that folder. It opens the default folder.

I have a auto-namer that changes the name of the screenshot everytime it takes a screenshot

Bumping this, tried many solutions, nothing works

Same here on 4.17. Message pops but no saved screenshots.

Have you tried on 4.18? Havent tried on that version personally yet

Same result can be achieved via the console command HighResShot. It can also be used in blueprint and options can be supplied (we have a resolution of 2048x1024 in the example):


This method will save the screenshot of the active view; it will also pop up the location - but now it will be correct and working. This is the only method that works as far as I tested.

Same problem for me, I just filed an issue at the Airsim repo. My workaround is to run “Execute Console Command” but use “Set View Target with Blend” so my viewport outputs the camera I want.

Hi, I think I answered a similar question here: