Why doesn't it give the objects to the selected "Player"

Why doesn’t it give the objects to the selected “Player”…

I’ve been trying to make the code for a few days now to select the murderer, the sheriff and the innocents.

The murderer gets his gun, but the second player never gets anything.

What is the problem I have???

using { /Fortnite.com/Characters }
using { /Fortnite.com/Devices }
using { /Fortnite.com/Game }
using { /Fortnite.com/UI }
using { /Verse.org/Simulation }
using { /Verse.org/Random }
using { /Verse.org/Assets }
using { /Verse.org/Colors }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/SpatialMath }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/Diagnostics }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/UI }

SeleccionRol := class(creative_device):

    var PlayerMap : [player]SeleccionAsesino = map{}

    @editable var MinimoAleatorio : int = 0
    @editable var MaximoAleatorio : int = 0

    var NumeroAleatorioJugadores : []int = array{}

    var IndicadorJugadorMurder : int = -1
    var IndicadorJugadorSheriff : int = -1

    @editable  ItemGranterAsesino : item_granter_device = item_granter_device{}
    @editable  ItemGranterSheriff : item_granter_device = item_granter_device{}
    @editable  ItemGranterInocente : item_granter_device = item_granter_device{}

    @editable  TriggerActivador : trigger_device = trigger_device{}

    OnBegin< override>()<suspends>:void=

    ObtenerJugadores(Agent : ?agent):void=
    GenerarNumeros(Players : []player) : void =

        for(Jugadores : Players):
            set NumeroAleatorioJugadores += array:
                SelectorNumeroAleatorio : int = GetRandomInt(MinimoAleatorio, MaximoAleatorio)


    ElectorMurder(Jugadores : []player) : void =

        var TemporalAleatorio : int = 0
        Values := for (X : NumeroAleatorioJugadores): 
            if(X >= TemporalAleatorio):
                set IndicadorJugadorMurder += 1
                set TemporalAleatorio = X

        if(IndicadorJugadorMurder <> -1):

            if(Player := Jugadores[IndicadorJugadorMurder]):


    ElectorSheriff(Jugadores : []player) : void =

        for(Player : Jugadores):
            var TemporalParaBorrarAleatorios : int = 0
            if (NewArray := NumeroAleatorioJugadores.RemoveElement[TemporalParaBorrarAleatorios]):
                set NumeroAleatorioJugadores = NewArray
            set TemporalParaBorrarAleatorios += 1    

        for(Player : Jugadores):
            set NumeroAleatorioJugadores += array:
                SelectorNumeroAleatorio : int = GetRandomInt(MinimoAleatorio, MaximoAleatorio)

        var TemporalAleatorio : int = 0
        Values := for (Y : NumeroAleatorioJugadores): 
            if(Y >= TemporalAleatorio):
                set IndicadorJugadorSheriff += 1
                set TemporalAleatorio = Y

        if(IndicadorJugadorSheriff <> -1 and IndicadorJugadorSheriff <> IndicadorJugadorMurder):

            if(Player := Jugadores[IndicadorJugadorMurder]):




I don’t know verse, so I can’t point out the issue, but have you considered using player classes for the 3 different types.
The class designers can give the loadouts and different devices can use the class settings to affect them differently

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Thank you very much for your response, I really love people who try to help others! I have a great item just to test but just now I solved my problem after so long <3

It turns out that I had a wrong “Conditional” and I also didn’t pick up and reset the variable that determines who has the gun, so I exceeded the number of players in the tests and no one had a gun :slight_smile:

Thank you for your interest, if you need help, you can add to the discord, although I am Spanish but I am sure we understand each other <3
Discord: Fali_005


Thank you for responding with your fix, @Fali :slight_smile:

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