Why doesn't flight example permit collision physics

The question we have has been asked often, but not answered adequately for us to make progress. We are using the flight example as a basis for our flying vehicles. When the vehicle encounters another other object, it stops. The common answer to this is to apply a physics material and set Friction to 0. This doesn’t work for us, nor has it worked for others who have asked about it.

What are other options to use the standard flight example yet also be able to bounce off objects? If Friction is the only solution, what could be wrong with our setup, that setting Friction to zero has no effect?

Thank you in advance.

Edit: we removed the code from the blueprint that makes the vehicle stop when it collides so that isn’t what seems to be causing it.

Not intentionally, I will check into this right away. I’m not programming the blueprints, only the C++ parent we created to handle weaponry and damage. Thank you for the suggestion.

Are you performing a sweep during movement? Any sweeps performed during movement will stop the actor if the sweep returns a blocking hit.