Why doesn't debug flow work on my blueprint?


I just recently started working on a project from scratch and am trying to debug my crouch mechanic to see why it’s not working correctly. When I run the game and have the blueprint up I was expecting to see some links light up and noticed that nothing is lighting up. Not when I crouch or when I move around. I also noticed that all of my debug options are grayed out when I click on the debug menu at the top left. Any help would be appreciated.

Also while I’m posting this, if anyone knows what could be wrong with my script itself I would really appreciate some help with that as I’ve been trying to get it to work since yesterday. Basically what I’m wanting to achieve is a crouch mechanic that crouches when I press the left mouse button and un-crouches when I release. Also, upon releasing it should run a check to see if there is collision above the camera, and if so, will not un-crouch until there is free space above. Credit to Devin Sherry as I used his tutorial for this script.

Thanks in advance!

Just realized I failed to mention what result I’m getting from the script. I have an animation that takes .33 seconds so the crouch looks a little more realistic. This works perfectly for one rotation (up and down), but after that it’s as if there were no animation. It just instantly switches between the two heights.

Also, when I crouch underneath something and then walk back out of it, the state remains in crouch when it’s supposed to un-crouch.

Update: I’ve fixed half of the problem. The player now un-crouches when walking out from underneath something. I still don’t know why the timelines only work for the first pass through.

My debugger still isn’t working either.

For debug flow to work, open the Debug Filter dropdown to the right of the play button there at the top and choose the actual instance of your character that’s running in the game.

For the problem with Timelines not playing the second time through, run your execution into Play From Start instead of Play. Basically, they’re just “stuck” at the end, so when you play the second time you don’t see anything happen.

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Hey Rob,

Thanks for the insight, my crouch is now behaving as expected!

Regarding the debug, when I click that drop down all I get is “No debug object selected”.

And while this is still open I figured I might as well ask one more thing. I’m wanting to disable the left click when the player is crouched underneath something so they can’t spam it and get their head stuck in what’s above. I have a know what I need to do mostly, but am having some trouble. I’ve been trying to use Disable Input right between my branch and my delay, but this disables the entire player controller and I don’t know how to specify only the left click.