So I followed these tutorials and I coded a Nitro system with a limitation represented by a bar and normally logically when the player activates the nitro the bar should logically go down but when I test this at the viewport the bar does not empty.
When I leave the viewport, I have this error message that appears so if you have an idea on how to solve this problem it would help me a lot.
It has to have the expected functionality; it will either need to be the component class or, at least, inherit from it. You can’t add a random component reference (and that’s even besides it being null) and expect it to work.
Have a look at the tut again - how do they do it? Are the tutorials a cohesive series? Or you’re combining unrelated tuts?
I went to check in the tutorial and going back to my code I made the mistake of connecting the set chaos vehicule à la with the node object function Update NOS level so I disconnected the link with the node with the object.
After that I went back into the viewport to test and the nitro bar emptied normally.