Why does UE4.27.2 say updating when I pressed "Launch" (and already had it installed)???

I already have UE4.27.2 installed (and 5.4). I opened Epic launcher (to specifically launch 4.27.2 and not 5x) > the button said LAUNCH UE4.27.2.
But instead for 20 minutes it has been “updating.”

This is very annoying and alarming. I don’t want Epic installing anything without my permission. And I dont want my 4.27.2 install changed at all in case it messes up plugins in my project. Now my computer is hijacked for an hour, 6GB of bandwidth was used without my consent, and I cant do what I intended with my time.

  1. Why did Epic allow this forced install [change] without consent? (fraudulent button said LAUNCH not UPDATE)
  2. And why/what is the update for 4.27.2? (I thought no more updates to 4x.)

Hey there @XxNotAGamerxX! There haven’t been hotfixes or changes to 4.27.2 since December 7, 2021. This is possibly either an engine verification possibly triggered by files changing outside of the launcher’s purview, or more likely due to the time frame this occurred, that the 5.4.2 update was being pulled, downloaded, and installed before the verification of 4.27.2 was queued. This would definitely be unintentional as triggering the launch of 4.27.2 should have pushed it to the front, but your 4.27.2 install should be wholly unaffected.

Hi. Thanks for the reply and confirmation date.

But then why is there a Lumen folder (5x feature) in my UE4.27.2 install?

  • Was “Lumen” always in UE4.27.2 installs?
  • Can someone SS the Binaries DIR of their virgin UE4.27.2 installs?
  • My concern is that Lumen (when in UE5x) makes my computer slow. So I absolutely want it off in any 4x project I’m working on. But now I see this folder in my 4x install (and other things I don’t use thus don’t want space wasted on, yet were modified today).

For clarification:

  1. I was not installing 5x nor had any downloads qued. (My 5.4.1 was installed a month ago.)
  2. I merely wanted to use the Epic Launcher to start the UE4.27.2 Editor, to make a new project (because I couldn’t find the shortcut directly to the UE4x Editor.) Thus I clicked the dropdown button to set my default editor from UE5.4.1, back to UE4.27.2.
  3. And all the engine versions are installed on an External drive, not on the Win11 OS HD.

Edit: you said “5.4.2 update” but I thought the latest was UE5.4.1. So did you make a typo, or is 5.4.2 on the way? :slight_smile:

  • But I did click the Downloads tab (during the forced update), and it said it was downloading “UNREAL ENGINE 4.27.2.”

Lumin, TVOS, and HoloLens are build target options. Lumen is the 5.0 feature.


If these options were changed in the options menu in the library, it would force a download of these folders. Feel free to verify that they are checked here:


And 5.4.2 hotfix released ~4 days ago. If you check your 5.4.1 install you should see an update indicator like this:


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