Why does UE 5.5.0 save the newly created objects in the project but is BLANK when reopened?

Why does UE 5.5.0 save the newly created objects in the project but is BLANK when reopened?

I ran the engine as administrator as well.

Please, guys, see the attached files and tell me what I am doing wrong.

By default Unreal opens with an empty level.
But you can specify the Level you want to open by default in
Project Settings → Maps & Modes ->Default Maps → Editor Startup Map

There’s also an option in
Editor Preferences → Loading & Saving → Startup → Load Level at Startup.
It’s default value is set to Project Default which is the level you specify in the Project Settings like in the first example.

You can set it to Last Opened if you want to always open unreal with the last level you were editing.

Thank you, Arjun! Greatly appreciated! :clap:t2: :pray:t2: :muscle:t2:

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