Why does this suck so badly?

I am going to answer this in the most helpful way I can. Please do not take this as a personal attack – I mean nothing of the sort; just that some of the words I hear used indicate to me that perhaps these answers will be the most helpful to someone trying to get going with Unreal game development (and a games engineering career in general.)

Real engineering consists of powering through these disappointments. The #1 criteria for a successful engineer, is the ability to keep going, until the job is done. This is what people mean when they say “grit is as important as intelligence,” and they’re not wrong. (Some say it’s more important, but I don’t think so – my experience is that whenever I lack either, I don’t succeed.)

I have banned the word “intuitive” from design discussions, because what people really mean by that word is “similar to something else I’m familiar with,” and what people are familiar with varies wildly. If you haven’t worked with a number of different game engines, and worked on different games, enough to build real experience, then the choices in Unreal aren’t going to be familiar to you. On the bright side, because you do get the source code for the engine, studying it and learning it, will help you build “intuition” (or, more accurately, “familiarity”) with how a game engine like this is put together. Every engine needs marshaling support, editor support, object lifetime support, and so on, and while they each choose a different way to implement that, if you squint, they all end up sharing a lot of similarities.

I hope you find the grit to keep at it, and become successful! Once you power through the disappointments, there’s a massive lot of good stuff on the inside of this engine. Even if you had a team of ten amazing developers and five years to develop your own engine, you could not match it. It really is an amazing boon to game development that you can download and use it and read all the code, without paying a cent until you become successful!