Why does the spline component reset after being created in blutility and moved in editor?

Hi there,

I wrote a blutility method which instantiates a blueprint class Something containing a spline component for every selected object with a spline component attached. So it’s basically a converter which converts splines into other spline objects.
Something doesn’t have any construction script code and the event graph is also empty. It’s only made of a spline component at the root.

Here’s the conversion code. You can also [download it][5] to test it yourselves. Should work by just copy-and-pasting the text into a blutility function.

It seemed to work well. When I convert a spline and select the new one, it matches its original.

If I move it however, the new spline resets to the default 2 node spline.

I have absolutely no clue why this is happening.
First I was guessing because of the UpdateSpline option of the AddPoint method. But changing that didn’t make a difference. Another guess would be the actor lifecycle but I have no idea what can go wrong there.

Thanks in advance,



Hello xadrin,

have you tried ticking the “Override Construction Script”, in the Spline tab of Spline Component of your Something class?



Hi UE_FlavienP,

Yup, that was it.
Thanks very much.
