Why does the scene remain frozen?


I’m making a visual novel in which I want that, while a sequence with the characters moving around the stage is played in loop, every time a character speaks its animated head appears. I have achieved this by putting in the “blueprint player controller” an “event tick” and with the “Create level sequence player” node (as in the tutorials).

Everything works great but for some reason the character appears and stays frozen in the first frame of the animation, why? What have I done wrong?

Thanks in advance and best regards.

Event Tick executes every frame. So you’re creating a different Level Sequence Player Every Frame. Hence frozen on first frame.

Instead of using Event Tick, User a Function or Custom Event. Then call that Function/Event when you want to play the sequence.

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Thanks for your answer! what you say makes perfect sense; however, for it to work in the flow of the conversation I think I need the “Event Tick”. I’ve been looking for alternatives, but when I try to stop the animation from starting all the time (as in this image) I still can’t get the animation to play completely:

I’ve been trying to make the “Event Tick” activate a “Custom Events” that triggers the animation, but the result is the same.
I’ve been trying with “interfaces” and I’ve found that it works better, but they must work in a similar way to the “Event Tick”, because I still have the same problem:

Best regards and thanks for replying.

Well, it was easier than I thought. Just use a “Make movie Scene sequence playback settings” in “create level sequence” in the “settings” section and set “Star offset” to a high value (like 20 for example).

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