Why does the Niagara Pool Fluid not show if positioned higher than 0 on the grid?

Hi All,

I have a simple question and I have tried so many Google searches it’s not funny. This includes changing the way I’m asking the question but I’m not getting anywhere so thought was time to post in the forums.

I am a Developer in the engine and I’m putting a house into a project that has multiple pools/water falls. This includes a pool on one of the balconies of the house and small pond at the bottom of the inside of the house where there is a cascading waterfall from the top floor down to the bottom where they have the pond. Of course the house has been modelled at the origin but of course as it’s multi leveled the parts of the house are in negative as well as positive from the origin on the Z axis. I’m still learning Niagara and of course getting into fluids which is perfect for this project. I am able to create a fluid and place it in the scene. I’m able to move it on X and Y, I’m also able to increase the water height as well as it’s width and depth. However when I move it up or even place it in the pool on the balcony it does nothing. It’s empty. I have even gone and compiled it but the water just does not come back. When I move it up it looks like it is clipping until there is nothing for it to draw. To explain I have got a dummy scene (as this house is still being developed for real and I can’t show it yet) and I have placed the Fluid at 0, then moved it up twice and as you can see, only that at 0 displays how it should. Is this a bug with being Beta as will still be developed or is there something I am clearly missing? Any advise would be greatly welcomed!

Thanks all

I haven’t found any easy way to do this other than to simply raise the pool and raise the Water Height value. this doesn’t affect the simulation in any way, it just raises the water level.

I Just encountered the same issue in UE5.4, and the solution is to check “local space water height”. Hope this helps!