I don’t know if this has to do with mesh, material or something else.
I have some MAWI trees in my project.
The problem is, that these trees are displayed with low quality.
What I know is, that I just use LOD 0. I also have set Engine Scalability Settings to Cinematic and Material Quality Level to Epic.
In the first screenshot you can see the quality if I package the game or open it in editor.
But if I am in editor and open the mesh one time and then hit play then the quality is correct like in the other screenshot.
I want always to have the high quality displayed without opening the mesh first.
Can someone say what’s the problem here?
Any errors?
Ahh ■■■■, I deleted the db and so I have to create new trees.
Info: I spawn the trees at runtime from a blueprint. After some operations the bp gets swapped to an foliage instance and location and some other info gets written into a database.
If I close the game and start again it takes all the info from the database and adds foliage instances so that everytime I start it it has the same trees on the same position.
But like I said, I deleted the db for some reasons so to find out if there are errors when the problem appears I have to add some new trees to the db.
But in the meantime to check if there are errors I placed some trees per hand into the level but then everything is fine, quality is good. No problem. So the problem just to seems appear if I add the trees at runtime. No matter if BP or foliage instance. It’s the same result.
I’m asking, because it’s looks like the kinds of effect you get when the texture streaming pool gets overrun.
So now I am again on that point with this effect. Log has no errors/warnings about that. r.streaming.poolsize is 5000
If the map is new with no trees, the first trees are displayed correct. Just if there are more and more trees the effect appears.
Ok. No point in setting the streaming pool larger than your GPU RAM.
Also, it depends on how long you’ve been using the editor, and how many textures you’ve looked at.
If I restart the editor its the same. Is there something to clear a texture buffer or something?
Nope, not as far as I know. Be a restart clearly indicates it’s not the problem.
It is some sort of streaming problem, but I’m not sure what.
Things to try are: different mesh ( ie, another product entirely ), different materials / textures.
How much GPU RAM do you have, what sort of card?
GPU Ram is 8 GB. It’s a Geforce 2070 Super
I can’t get it reproduced clearly.
I did clear the database again but then the problem persists. Then I restarted the machine. It was better but not all trees where displayed correctly.
Can you just put a load of these trees in an empty level with the foliage tool? Does that work?
I disabled texture streaming, now the problem has gone
edit reverted this as the solution
It’s definitely TS, but you probably want that enable, unless you’re a total guru
Hi, can you explain how to disabled the texture streaming? If I checked the “disable streaming” option in the mesh, the foliage would disappear in editor.
You disabled streaming in the texture asset.
emm. thank you for your reply,
I followed this artical,
Texture Streaming Configuration | Unreal Engine Documentation
But seems no matter I disable the stream nor enlarge the texture pool size, none of them is working, Do you have any idea, I thrust the LOD is not the issue.
all mesh and texture is 4k and imported from quixel. And they are very good in another project.
You’ve highlighted a piece of grass. Is there a problem with it?
I fixed it, but the solution is very tricky. the default texture for mesh is virtual texture, and when I trans it to regular texture, everything works good.
But I am wondering why the VT is so blurry. seems it has nothing to do with texture pool.
please help me with the steps
found fix, remove all the sm5. only have +dx12 sm6 in game engine. .ini