why does the material in UE5 change its orientation automatically

    Hello everyone.
    Recently I am developing a project which use Unreal MediaFramework to open camera on Android devices. I follow the document instruction:(https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/WorkingWithMedia/IntegratingMedia/MediaFramework/HowTo/UsingWebCams/). Everything works fine.
     What I did next is to add a plane and drag the mediatexture on the plane, so the camera's view can be previewed on it. On this step, it will generate a material based on the  mediatexture and I use the mediaTexture to obtain the image data from camera. 
     Everything works well in Unreal 4, but when it comes to Unreal 5, problems occured. The mediatexture's image looks correct but when it is tured to material, the image will rotate 90 degrees automatically and it will change back soon. So the image's orientation changes automatically from time to time. It is so wired, and I am sure it only happens in Unreal 5, ( I have tried it on both 5.01 and 5.03)
     Can anyone help me, thank you so much!!