Why does the function AActor::WasRecentlyRendered() return true for occluded actors

I’m using the CARLA simulator, which is based on Unreal Engine 4. I want to modify the source code, so that occluded objects are excluded from ground truth data. I modified CARLA source code to get access to the UE function AActor::WasRecentlyRendered() of the actor that should reflect the object visibility. The function returns false only if the object is outside the view frustum. Otherwise, the function returns true even for fully occluded actors.
Your help would be really appreciated.

could you maybe just do a LineTraceSingleByChannel, from the Camera->GetComponentLocation() to the location of the Actor->GetActorLocation() if the line hits anything beside the Actor then they are at least occluded about the root.

you could add additional traces about the extrema of the Actors Collider to ensure they are completely occluded if you care.