Why does the character's events fail to respond when the move coordinates are too large?

You’ve answered your own question.

The UE4 world is small. After 250k uus - Unreal Units (2.5km) you may notice small floating point operation errors, physics becomes less predictable, it may be irrelevant in some cases, though. Beyond 1m uus (10km) things get quite erratic.

Those limits are there to ensure stuff does not break down. The further you get from the world center 0,0,0, the worse it gets. Afair, you cannot spawn anything beyond 1m uus and there’s a separate setting for KillWorldZ, around 1m, too.

Explore this, since you can shift world center:

UE5 changed things up quite a bit:

Where do I set the character movement maximum attribute?

Not sure what you mean.

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