Here is my Problem if u see it makes the fall animation after i jump in a row
and the end u can see how i want that it looks like…
can someone healp?
Here is my Problem if u see it makes the fall animation after i jump in a row
and the end u can see how i want that it looks like…
can someone healp?
Hi, Zim!
Why the heck are you doing this from scratch!?
Just use the BP_ThirdPersonCharacter Animation Blueprint.
(Do you not know how to retarget animations for the skeleton you’re using?)
Hello Leo, good soul
That’s just the first game I’m maiking right now, so sorry, no idea, I just kept looking for bits and pieces together using the tutorial I found to get as far as I can now
(shortly before the end, only 2 or 3 bug fixes and that is currently one of them)
the friend said “it is possible related with the transition from jump → fall. you might want to add an “and” boolean and add another condition, such as timeRemaining (ratio) <= 0.1”
How i try to implement is not working:
Again, I would just use the default animation blueprint.
You’re making extra work for yourself.
Can you post a screenshot of your character’s skeleton?
Yeah, so do you know how to make skeletons compatible?
Yes, I used Mixamo for my animations. All animations also run with the Unreal skeleton. Then I convert the whole thing again to insert the “root bone”. I have no idea why that has to be done, but then everything works
But something isn’t working properly in the locomotion
Okay, so, this is what I would like for you to do, because I’m sensing a LOT of holes in your knowledge and experience, and it’s going to take a LONG to to address them all.
This stuff is very complicated.
Here you should take some time and explore what each function does. I cannot teach you here. It’ll help you understand what is going on.
I would also, just for understanding, set the DEFAULT PAWN as the DEFAULT MANNEQUIN and see if you have the same jump issue. If you do not, then you need to go into your character’s ANIMATION BLUEPRINT and see how it differs from the default.
Again, I believe you’re doing things the hard way, and I URGE you to try to learn more of the program before you continue trying to make a game.
Yes, it’s a good idea to compare the whole thing