what error? where?
Anyone know why this is causing an error when I play? It is located in my Gamemode blueprint and spawns an ammo actor at certain locations every 30 seconds.
Hey there
and AHHH, DON’T add a 30 Second Delay to your TICK function!
For things like these TIMERS exist!
Do it like this please:
The TimeHandle can be used to stop the Timer or get the Time from it, etc.
For your Problem with the Error:
Random Integer in Range returns a value from Min to Max. INCLUDING Min and Max.
That means, it will include the Max that you passed with the LENGTH of the Array.
Why is that bad/wrong?
Array Length is always the AMOUNT of Elements in the Array, but we actually count from 0 to LENGTH - 1.
So if the Random Function grabs the LENGTH as an index, you are going out of bounds!
How to fix that?
Use LENGTH - 1 for the Max input. Or use LAST INDEX instead of LENGTH.
Hope that helps (: