Here are two screenshots from PIE: one is of the level after starting the game from the Main Menu level and proceeding to the game. (The menu uses “Open Level by Reference”) to get us here. The other is if I just hit play in PIE. Why are they different and how do I fix the shadows when opening the level from blueprint?
1)Start PIE from menu:
For reference, the landscape is using the moon pack to texture it. I’m not sure if that has any features that would cause this. I tried packaging at production quality and it looks like screenshot number one, so it’s not an editor issue.
EDIT: Switching to the legacy shadow maps system in project settings fixed this, though I do not know why. I am packaging now to see if it fixes in-game.
Looks like some sort of material issue, so when you use the manu from PIE and load the level, do you get any shaders compiling? Have you checked for any warnings in the error log regarding materials or textures or shaders?
It isn’t shaders compiling, though that’s a good guess. No errors I saw but I’d have to double-check the logs for warnings. That PC is packaging right now though so I’m going to leave it be for the moment.
It looks like the problem went away when I switched from virtual shadow maps to plain old UE4-style shadow maps in the project settings.
This may be a material issue, still, as the landscape material is a UE4 import.
Yeah on second look it did seem to look like real poor shadow artifacts, strange how it only happens when loading it differently ibstead of dorect in PIE