Why does my transition gets interrupted while my condition bool shouldn't allow it?


I am having a problem with transitioning from idle to run in my animation state machine. When I am moving my character, I set my IsRunning bool to true. This bool is also a transition condition for the Idle->Run transition. The condition for Idle->Run transition is: IsRunning == true. And the opposite, Run->Idle condition is IsIdle == true. In the Left State Event of the Idle State, I set the IsIdle == false. In the Left State Event of the Run State, I set the IsRunning == false.

For Debug purposes, I created an event for every enter and exit of a state, and every start and end of a transition, to print the order of the execution of these events. The problem is that every time I move, the state and transition events are as follows:

  1. Exit State Idle
  2. Enter State Run
  3. Start Transition Idle To Run
  4. Interrupt Transition Idle To Run
  5. Exit State Run
  6. Enter State Idle
  7. Start Transition Run To Idle
  8. Interrupt Transition Run To Idle
  9. Exit State Idle
  10. Enter State Run
  11. Start Transition Idle To Run
  12. End Transition Idle To Run

Why does the Idle->Run transition get interrupted even tough my IsIdle value is false? The Event Blueprint Update Animation prints IsIdle = false

hi,i’ve also met this problem. The transition boolean is always true but the transition gets interrupted several times. This causes my animation blending to be a mess. Did you solve this problem?