This is a problem I thought I solved, but turns out I didn’t.
I have a 22 variable structure, GalD_ShipSection, in which two variables are arrays of other structures.
GalD_ShipSection fails at Editor start up with the following error:
“Struct Unknown (deleted?). Parent ‘User Defined Structure /Game/GalaxyData/GalD_ShipSection.GalD_ShipSection’ Property: ‘ExtraHulls_90’”
Despite the initial failure, a simple recompile is all that is necessary to fix GalD_ShipSection.
The problem is that after the recompile, all the node links that use the specific ‘ExtraHulls_90’ property of the Struct are broken.
Worse, the variety of classes I plan on using as player selectable items, use this stuct to hold stats and their properties get reset to default. The prospect of re-entering the stat values for every item in the game, every time I have to restart the editor is just not feasible.
‘ExtraHulls_90’ is the second of the two Struct arrays: GalD_DesignSectionExtra.
The other is GalD_ShipMount.
The only reason I can think of as to why GalD_ShipMount is fine, but GalD_DesignSectionExtra buggers up, is that maybe Structs don’t like their properties to have arrayed Structs that also have arrayed Structs?
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.