Why does my Server launched with a .bat not show it's "command prompt window" log?

When I use Standalone PIE to test my server / client connections, the server always opens a command prompt window that displays all of the server related logs.

I made a .bat to launch test servers and clients because it allows finer control over the server and client’s ports, and I can have multiple different kinds of servers running at once.

As far as launching and running they work fine. The problem Im having is that the servers do not open a command prompt window. So not only can I not see their log’s live at runtime, but I have to manually “End Task” their process in the Task Manager when Im done testing.

This is the contents of the .bat:

"D:\Content\Unreal\UE_4.27\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor.exe" "%CD%\{ProjectNameHere}.uproject" ServerBrowser_Level -server -port=7771

Is there a special command line option I need to include to make the servers open their command prompt windows?

Add -log (and optionally -forcelogflush).

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