I am trying to render an existing texture (with an alpha channel) to a render target via a material.
The material has a texture sample with the relevant texture. I have tried setting the Material Domain to both “Surface” and “Deffered Decal” and in both I’ve tried setting the blend mode to translucent.
Then I have an actor with a SceneCapture2D and a Billboard. The billboard has the material described above as its (only) sprite element. The ScreenCapture2D is positioned 32uu away so it can see all (but only) the billboard. This has its Texture Target set to a TextureRenderTarget2D.
If I view this Texture Render Target with the channels RGB enabled, it looks like a slightly washed out version of the texture (if you know how to fix this, that would be appreciated) but if I look at the alpha channel, it appears totally black.
How can I make it so the SceneCapture2D writes to the alpha channel? I’m sure it is just a case of setting some options in the material and the Screen Capturer, but I have no idea what.