Why does my render look different to my viewport?


I’m new to rendering in UE5. I’m trying to make a short animation using sequencer and this shot looks loads different in the viewport than it does in the render. As you can see in the final render you can only see the ship and you can’t see the moon and planet below. I can only assume that there are some settings somewhere that i need to change. I just don’t know where or what. Any help?

Hello! Let me see if we figure out whats going on… There are a couple of possible issues causing objects to not show up on render while visible in the viewport.

  • The objects may be “Hidden in game” (check the properties for it
  • The objects may not be in the same level as the ship, so they are in a level that is not loaded while rendering.
  • The LODs may not be configured correctly, click the elements and LOD Settings, under LOD 0 make sure that Screen Size is 1.

Let me know if any of these resolves the issue otherwise we can keep digging

Thank YOU! I’ll give these a go tomorrow when I get to my PC. Hopefully one of them works.

So I tried playing with the LOD settings. i changed “forced LOD model” to 1, didn’t work, I ticked “override min LOD”, didn’t work, I played with the max and min draw distances and that didn’t seem to do anything, I ticked “never distance cull” and that didn’t work either. I did see that all the assets were “Hidden in scene view” so I unticked that and that didn’t work. XD

uhmm a pickle, lets see what else can we try…

Just to be sure, while checking the LODs did you check the screen size for it? it would be in the properties like this under LOD 0.

Another option albeit a weird one would be that the assets have physics and gravity turn on and so that makes the mesh “drop” away from the scene.

Ho, so I checked the gravity and physics thing and everything is fine there. So i checked the LOD screen size and it’s set to 2.0 but is faded and i can’t change it.

I’m not ready to give up on this haha.

I’m not sure why screen size is gray out, but as long as its more than 0 that should be ok, if anything you should be having the opposite problem, the assets looking too big on the sequencer.

After further digging I uncover another potential solution, go into the Gamemode overrides in movie render queue settings and turn off the “Disable HLOD” and “Use LODZero” and that may fix it

To double check on something that Martin suggested, are you using any sublevels? Or is every mesh directly in the main level?

One other thing I do to start this kind of debugging is to play the game in the editor. If things disappear there then it has nothing to do with MRQ.

This is proving to be a tad more difficult than I expected XD Though while messing with settings i have found that when i set my scalability to “Cinematic” said assets disappear from view! In Game Overrides i untick cinematic quality settings but it still renders the same. So is there a way to render it out in say Epic scalability instead of cinematic?

EDIT: It looks like i was wrong, i’ve since tried changing the scalability again and everything stays put now…
EDIT AGAIN: I managed to change my screen size thingy to 1 but still no luck.

I see you replied to me but deleted the post. Just double checking here on the question regarding sublevels and PIE, and your current status.

Aye, I’m not using any sub levels, not sure what you mean by PIE :thinking::person_facepalming:t2: I’m new to UE.

I ended up using the clip as is, but would still like to resolve the issue incase other are having similar issues, and incase it happens to mye again in the future.

PIE means Play In Editor. What I’m asking is how the scene looks when you just hit the green Play button and run the scene as if it was the game. When you launch a Movie Render Queue render, it’s going to “play” your game and then record each frame. So to get some insight into what happens in the MRQ process it’s good to Play your game yourself. For some users this reveals that their exposure starts off wrong and then adapts to the correct level. Or it shows them that their sublevel actually never loads because the default visibility is to be unloaded. Or maybe they are using World Partition Streaming and even though the proper actors are loaded in the viewport, they are not loaded by default. Or you might have some Blueprint logic in the player pawn that actually takes control of the camera or messes up the scene in some other way.

Tl;dr: Playing the game can help debug rendering inconsistencies. MRQ doesn’t just render what’s in your viewport at that moment.

I’m not sure, I’ll have a look next time I can get to my PC but it’ll be Monday now at the earliest. Sorry my replies are slow, I don’t seem to be getting any notifications :sweat_smile:

So i had a look and the game looks the same in PIE as it does in the render, with the stars, planet and moon vanishing. I also loaded the world partition window up and it says that “world partition is disabled for this map”.

Also I double checked and Hidden In Game and Hidden In Scene Capture are definitely unticked XD

aha! That lets you ignore MRQ for a while while trying to debug it.

Any other Blueprint logic going on in the level? Gameplay, level streaming, loading screen, some weird BeginPlay event in your sky or Level Blueprint, spawning a Pawn with different exposure, anything?

Without being able to dig around myself, another good next step is to copy paste only the essential stuff over to a new level and see if it behaves differently.