Why does my new axis mapping to change WASD to ZQSD not work in game?

Since I have an azerty keyboard instead of a qwerty one I’m trying to remap wasd to zqsd for the in-game playing in Unreal Editor 4.27.2.

I’ve started a new blank c++ project with starter content. Then I went to Project Settings → Engine - Input → Axis Mappings.

This is what my new axis mappings look like:

However, no matter what, when clicking Play, the camera movements will only respond to wasd and completely ignore the axis mappings which I put there. I build, compiled and tried restarting the editor but to no avail. What am I missing?

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I don’t know the reason why this happens in the engine, but I know that French layout have exactly these symbols swapped. Do you have French language installed in your system? Maybe it interferes with the engine somehow?