Why does my Material AO disappear as i back away from a surface? (not far either)

It just seems like its blurring mips way to quickly and i dont get why it would do that… its a texture that tiles a lot and very tiny detail for reptititive concrete details for starters… but then again this was also happening on the entire tile ao as well.

Lumen has a feature called “Short Range AO”, you can disable it in the viewport options to troubleshoot. There’s also the option of replacing it with SSAO, but from my testing it’s more expensive.

In this example i cranked the ao way up for the tile ao… its a mask texture with one channel as the ao multiplied up.

I think my issue is literally “screen percentage”… even with aa off… i just lose pixel data and it blurs it.

Though the first video contributing extra to the tile ao is 3d tesselated geometry… ao from Lumen… Lumen ao is crap and fades out rather early. Even when you ramp up the quality settings to cinematic. and push it past cinematic with console variables.

So its like 2 different things happening at once that makes me lose detail in the ao or brightness/ blur