Why does my imported WorldCreator2 landscape have "cracks"/"seams" between each quadrant?

I know people have had similar issues before with WorldCreator, World Machine, or just landscapes in general, though I haven’t found a clear answer in any of those posts. Basically I imported a 4x4 tiled landscape I made with World Creator 2 into UE4 and once it was finished, I noticed the errors between each section.

ALSO… This might be related, though it’s still just a strange bug but for some reason the imported sections were placed out of order.

I don’t know if these errors are with WC2 or UE4 but any insight would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I should mention that I also cannot seem to either move or adjust the meshes in any way. This includes the details panel. I can view them, but I am not able to change any of the parameters.

That’s Flip Tile Y Coordinate issue.
Not sure how it relates to World Creator but in World Machine I leave “Flip Y-Axis Orientation” unchecked and then enable “Flip Tile Y Coordinate” when importing tiled landscapes in UE4 import options.

Please post what settings you used for creating this heightmap in WC2. Did you use the right dimensions?Flip Y coordinate should be checked for heightmap as well (not only WC2 that does this, just UE4 being dumb)

I will give this a try and see what happens. I was unsure if that really had that much of an effect on everything.

Like I said above, I’ll give this a try.

So that did not seem to work. I suppose it looks slightly better, but they’re still noticeable in some spots.

Also not to mention that the map is still aligned out of order.

Here are my settings I’m using.

And also here is how/where I’m importing the landscape into UE4

Here are my settings. I’m still not able to get it right.

I tried again, making sure I had “flip y” checked in WC2 but that didn’t really help much. The cracks were slightly better but still bad in some spots, but the entire map was still out of order. Not sure why.

You can’t flip Y in both WC and UE4. Pick one or the other.
If you do both they cancel each other out.

See… That’s what I did the first time. I can try again, but I’m fairly sure that I did it like that the first time.
I know that you have to do it like that for most assets so that’s why I knew that.

If this doesn’t work still, do you have any other ideas?

EDIT: I also don’t see how that would affect the cracks between each tile. If that does make a difference could you explain why? I think the issue is with how I’m exporting the terrain, but I don’t know WHAT the issue is.

I’m not familiar at all with World Creator but when inside World Machine you’ll notice the 0,0 is in the bottom left of your heightmap.
This is a +X,+Y origin.
When you import a terrain to UE4 you will notice when you click on a terrain, the translation widget appears in the top left. This is because UE4 uses a +X,-Y coordinate system. This is also why you have to flip the green channel sometimes when importing normal map textures if they were created in, or created for, an app that uses positive Y coordinates.
So this is why in World Machine I leave the Flip Y-Axis Orientation unchecked. It’s just easier for me in terms of work flow to work in World Machine with settings that match the program’s native workflow.
I’m 99 percent sure that this is what your problem is. The first time I imported a tiled terrain that is what my landscape looked like and it was the Flip Y issue.

I have no idea if it was out of order because nothing matched up! lol
I had the cracks at the seams like yours does.
I decided workflow for me would be cleaner to keep everything default in World Machine and then flip Y while importing and that fixed it.
I’ll give World Creator a go and see what happens.
OK I can’t do that. I thought it was freeware.

Your first attempt even had the strange small cracks mine does? Or did it just have the weird out of order problem?

Or both? haha