Why does my Epic Launcher Keep Crashing?

My epic launcher keeps crashing on startup. I cant even get into the launcher and it wont even update any of my games so i can play them. It gives me this crash report. No one else seems to have had this issue before as i cant seem to find any answers online

Try to reinstall the Epic Game launcher, it that dont work try to uninstall and then install the launcher

HI! Same problem were here https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/966118/epic-games-launcher-crash-on-launch.html you have to unistall ark, then it should work perfectly, do not install DLC’s for Ark! Dlcs crashing launcher.

Dont try method with renaming folder, it wont work, when folder name back to normal its crashing again, just go for deleting ark then download it again. You dont even need to reinstall EpicGamesLauncher.

i have a question that i asked, then i contacted epic games ive put their responses on my question
try these, they may work for you (most are for mac only but there are some pc help options there)

it appears as if my question with several help tips that may work for some people has been removed

I have tried everything mentioned on here and I still can not get the Launcher to load. I keep getting the same Unreal Crash report. Anyone else have any other ideas. I can’t do anything with this.


I will send you a link to an application that will Uninstall the Epic Game launcher, it is called “Revo Uninstaller portable” you don’t need to install it, only run it as an administrator, for the epic games launcher and click uninstall,then click on advanced settings and click Install or next
it will give start the download when you click on it.

it is for windows users

Thank you.

The Revo Uninstaller worked. Thank you.

If tihs did help you, please mark it as resolved.

Nope. Not resolved. i gave it a little while just to see if it kept on working. It did not. I am back to getting the crash report again. This is getting extremely frustrating. Why hasn’t Epic/Unreal jumped in? this is a recurring problem from what I’ve seen.

Figured this out. I had to go into my anti-virus program and add an exception for the Epic Games folder. The launcher works fine now.