For some reason when i punch and move in any direction it launches me back so if i spam the button i end up going really fast.
This is pretty much it i made a animation in maya using artv1 kit and using it as montage with ‘upperbody’ slot
nope just added a animation and did it
I think I can help, but I need more info… maybe post a blueprint screen image or short video?
… are you following Unreal’s Zak Parrish tutorial on anim montage and punching?
maybe check it out on the official YouTube channel,… Zak (who’s a superb trainer) builds a third person punching character using anim montages for punching… sorry I can’t help more, I haven’t used anim montages
Hey there, a video would be really helpful in finding out what is going on. One thing to note in your animation graph, the Upper body slot should be where the Default Slot is, so switch those so the jab animmontage (which i assume is upper body slot) only plays from the waist up.
Ue4 Answerhub - YouTube here is the vid.
You’re correct in that the slot should be switched and the reason its not is that it looks weird but i have tried it and still no change
Do you use any root motion in your animations? Do you apply any sort of movement operations when you punch?
derpy derp i didn’t have enable root motion checked thanks lol