Why does my car look so bad?

i try to render this scene,but the lighting in the thumbnails is very strange, some shadows are missing in the final result, and some translucent objects seem to disappear. The same thing happens when I create another level and set up the post processvolume as usual. I’ve tried switching game override on and off in render Settings to no avail. How can I fix it

Sorry, are you saying the first two images are out of Movie Render Queue? If the answer is yes the main culprit that can change MRQ renders from what things look like in the viewport are the settings in the Game Overrides section. If you turn all those overrides off it should look very similar to how your editor viewport looks in Play mode. Are those being rendered on the same machine as the viewport captures? It almost looks like you are losing Raytracing features or something.

Thank you very much for answering my questions. I’m sorry as I saw the problem more clearly later, my description should have changed. In fact, only this car didn’t have Raytracing features in any of the Settings I tried, with or without Game Overrides turned on. Everything in the scene other than the car is consistent in the viewport and render results. I attached some simple bones to the car and made a controller. If you have relevant experience and can tell me how to fix this strange problem then I would be very grateful.

This car has Raytracing features only in viewport.I tried all the possible Settings but didn’t find a solution

Honestly I have not seen Raytracing being on in the viewport and disabled in the MRQ render. That is indeed odd. Are you overriding the game mode at all in MRQ?