Why does my actors stop working when they spawn after a certian amount of actors exist

By default, I have 74 actors in my level, and I’ve got spawners for enemies and projectiles. When I reach about 170 actors, actors such as the enemies don’t move at all (although the pre-spawned ones continue to move) and my projectile, doesn’t spawn marks on surfaces, however, it still damages enemies.

If I destroy actors using the projectiles, then some of the newly spawned enemies will go back to normal.

Are these enemies moving AI ? check the max agent settings in your project settings.


Yes, but there are also regular actors (non-AI) that would not render something like a billboard or light

Increasing the max agent settings in the project settings is the solution for the AI, thanks!

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Another similar problem is that I have a projectile actor that shoots, and contains a billboard material and a light. As more enemies spawn, the billboard material and light stops working/showing (or rendering?).

Any idea what might be connected with this?