Why does it return "TemporalAleatorio" I think it should return a float

Why does it return “TemporalAleatorio” I think it should return a float

I’m sorry for the errors in my code, but I’m trying to make a randomization system for my murder game, to choose between Murder, Sheriff or Innocent.

And what I do in the code is take the name of the players (I assume for now mine is displayed) and give them a percentage!

Thank you all! I see a lot of help in other discussions and you always find a solution! Wow!

using { /Fortnite.com/Characters }
using { /Fortnite.com/Devices }
using { /Fortnite.com/Game }
using { /Fortnite.com/UI }
using { /Verse.org/Simulation }
using { /Verse.org/Random }
using { /Verse.org/Assets }
using { /Verse.org/Colors }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/SpatialMath }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/Diagnostics }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/UI }

SeleccionAsesino := class(creative_device):

    var PlayerMap : [player]SeleccionAsesino = map{}
    MakeAgentName<localizes> (Agent:agent):message= "{Agent}"
    ConvertirTexto<localizes> (:[]float):message= "{TemporalAleatorio}"

    var TemporalAleatorio : []float = array{}
    var Temporal : float = 0.0

    @editable var MinimoAleatorio : float = 0.0
    @editable var MaximoAleatorio : float = 100.0

    @editable  ItemGranterAsesino : item_granter_device = item_granter_device{}
    @editable  ItemGranterSheriff : item_granter_device = item_granter_device{}
    @editable  ItemGranterInocente : item_granter_device = item_granter_device{}

    @editable  TriggerActivador : trigger_device = trigger_device{}

    OnBegin< override>()<suspends>:void=
        Print("Carga el OnBegin a la espera del activador")

    ComenzarVotacion(Agent : ?agent):void=
        Print("Comienza el calculo\nEmpezamos obteniendo los numeros aleatorios para cada jugador")
        AllPlayers := GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
        for (EliminationGamePlayer : AllPlayers):
            if (FortCharacter := EliminationGamePlayer.GetFortCharacter[]):
                set TemporalAleatorio += array:
                    GetRandomFloat(MinimoAleatorio, MaximoAleatorio) 
        if (CastAgent := agent[Agent?]): # Funcion para convertir Agent? en "Agent"
            Username : message = MakeAgentName(CastAgent)

I think the problem is here… but I have no idea how to declare a Float…

ConvertirTexto<localizes> (:[]float):message= "{TemporalAleatorio}"

Well, I published this and after a while I managed to get it right, I had been dealing with this problem all day and looking for solutions

I hope it helps you

using { /Fortnite.com/Characters }
using { /Fortnite.com/Devices }
using { /Fortnite.com/Game }
using { /Fortnite.com/UI }
using { /Verse.org/Simulation }
using { /Verse.org/Random }
using { /Verse.org/Assets }
using { /Verse.org/Colors }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/SpatialMath }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/Diagnostics }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/UI }

SeleccionAsesino := class(creative_device):

    var PlayerMap : [player]SeleccionAsesino = map{}
    MakeAgentName<localizes> (Agent:agent):message= "{Agent}"
    ConvertirTexto<localizes> (:[]float):message= "{TemporalAleatorio}"

    var TemporalAleatorio : []float = array{}
    var Temporal : float = 0.0

    @editable var MinimoAleatorio : float = 0.0
    @editable var MaximoAleatorio : float = 100.0

    @editable  ItemGranterAsesino : item_granter_device = item_granter_device{}
    @editable  ItemGranterSheriff : item_granter_device = item_granter_device{}
    @editable  ItemGranterInocente : item_granter_device = item_granter_device{}

    @editable  TriggerActivador : trigger_device = trigger_device{}

    OnBegin< override>()<suspends>:void=
        Print("Carga el OnBegin a la espera del activador")

    ComenzarVotacion(Agent : ?agent):void=
        Print("Comienza el calculo\nEmpezamos obteniendo los numeros aleatorios para cada jugador")
        AllPlayers := GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
        for (EliminationGamePlayer : AllPlayers):
            if (FortCharacter := EliminationGamePlayer.GetFortCharacter[]):
                temp : float = GetRandomFloat(MinimoAleatorio, MaximoAleatorio)  
                set TemporalAleatorio += array:
        if (CastAgent := agent[Agent?]): # Funcion para convertir Agent? en "Agent"
            Username : message = MakeAgentName(CastAgent)

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