Why does Gamemode's OnPostLogin call Possess in Standalone cause Pawn to call Possessed twice?

As shown in the picture, when I call OnPostLogin like this and Possess this Pawn, then the screen will print these

new: BP_JSBSimPlayerController_C_0
new: BP_JSBSimPlayerController_C_0

But I can confirm that the OnPossess node in the Controller is only called once.
And I also know that if I connect the Delay node, then only these will appear

new: BP_JSBSimPlayerController_C_0

I’m not sure if you will encounter this. Even if I create a new level and GameMode, this happens. I want to know why.

double check your don’t have a pawn set from your world setting and that this pawn bp doesnt have auto possess(or even already present on your level map)

Yes, the map is newly created and the Default Pawn Class in GameMode is also None. My VR_Pawn is only created in the picture above. Maybe you can reproduce what I did on your computer. If so, let me know. I would be very grateful.