Why does Fullscreen Mode fail?


I have tested on an other machine with a Radeon 5750 in it. Same Problem. On a third machine with a 40$ Graphic Card in it, no Problem. so at the moment, with cheap graphics card there is no Problem, only with the more Powerfull ones. My PC 2+3 are cloned machines with different cards in it. On PC 2 Radeon5750 on PC 3 I don’t know exactly what. It’s a cheap Asus Card for 40 Bucks. Use that only as Rendernode. So, what we have in common? maybe the two Monitors? But i don’t believe thats the only thing. I run Win7 Ultimate on all machines…

Let’s compare software? Here’s mine:

Jeah! let’s give it a try. Here is mine:

I have seen you have an App called Mobile Mouse Server or something like that. What is this? I have an App called Synergy. This is an App for use one mouse for all Screens at the same time. Is this something similar you have? I have tried to deactivate my Synology App before, but with no luck. But this could be something maybe, because it has to do with the Screens.

Sorry, the description before was not exactly enough. The Synology App is for: When you have 3 PC’s with 3 Monitors, you need only one Mouse for all. So one machine is the Server (MouseServer) and the others are Clients. The comunication goes over the Network.

I know Synology, it’s quite cool. MobileMouse turns your phone into a wiimote for your PC. It’s quite good. Probably not what’s causing the issue though (I hope).

I’ll diff the lists and get back to you.

Here’s what we have in common. My process for making the list is a bit whack so there’s a couple of things we don’t have in common in there, but all the doubleups are stuff we both have.

I’m thinking it could be something like C++ runtimes or some other windows driver.

I have also think about the C++ runtimes. have installed the latest one an other machine with no changes to the Problem. The list we have is not complete at all. I have more Programms on my machine as it is listed. It doesn’t catch all so far i can see.
Here is my Log from a Level that crashes in Fullscreen.

There are some Lines near at the beginning, maybe Line 100 or so:

[2014.09.17-11.32.08:601][ 0]LogRenderer:Warning: Reallocating scene render targets to support 1600x904.
[2014.09.17-11.32.08:668][ 0]LogRenderer:Warning: Reallocating scene render targets to support 128x128.
[2014.09.17-11.32.08:806][ 2]LogRenderer:Warning: Reallocating scene render targets to support 1600x904.

Very strange resolutions. or is that for overscan? After that lines everything gets closed and requests exit. So i will now start comparing the log with the log from my Laptop, which is running well in fullscreen. Maybe i can hunt something down…

And here is my dxdiag info:

So i have found something! my log from my laptop have entries inside, right after the lines posted above, which determines a SynthBenchmark with Results for your CPU and GPU. After that, the engine is trying to apply lower scalability settings (sg.shadowquality 1 ect…) which is also not working. The engine starts with full quality settings! This benchmark was not listed in the crashing machine. Maybe something blocks or crashes this benchmark at startup.

That sounds promising! Whereabouts are these specific logs? I’ll check my example project.

You will find the logs here: C:\WindowsNoEditor\yourProject\Saved\Logs

C:\YourDirectory_NoEditor_YourProject_Saved_Logs. The backslashes are pulled out from this board …

Was this resolved? The issue is still occuring on my PC

No. still the same…

I’ve been able to trade the issue back to TeamViewer 9. With the TeamViewer system tray process loaded, all my fullscreen games minimise straight away, including Unreal Engine builds.

As soon as I quit it, the problem goes away. As soon as I load it, the problem returns.

Tolero, can you please check and see if you have TeamViewer running?

To be clear: fullscreen windows is fine, real fullscreen fails. It also might be limited to the Nvidia GTX770.

Oh man. I also run TeamViewer at work and had exactly the same problem there.

Holy Moly…I run Teamviewer 9 all the time as well! I’ll test this out and report back.

Thanks for the hint!!! That was the problem! TEamviewer off and Fullscreenmode 0 is working! Great! Many thanks!

Confirmed is correct. The Teamviewer 9 system process was causing the issue. I originally created this thread under my personal account “omskillet” and am not able to mark 's comment as the correct answer. Can someone from Epic do this please?

Thanks again! Crisis Averted.