Why does "Event Begin Play" fire after actors had their Event Begin Play?


Why does the event “Event Begin Play” on a Level Blueprint, or GameMode fire AFTER actors had their Event Begin Play?

This makes no sense for games which requires to load data.

Example, I have a camera with Zoom Speed variable from a Save Game. However, the game Character already tries to do Tick events before the Level Blueprint or GameMode’s Event Begin Play was even fired.

For me, it makes sense to load data at startup in the Level Blueprint or sometime like a GameMode once, as well It makes logical sense to load data before any actor tries to access the data with Tick Events.

Just a side note, AGameMode is actor too. I’m not sure if engine differ AInfo(which AGameMode is) actor from other actors in its initialization loop.

While its true GameMode is an actor too, there still needs to be someplace for startup events. Even UE has some startup events to know what to do before it does.

One thing you can do is use Game Mode as the originator of all events. When it’s Event Begin Play activates, then it can set off the chain for all other actors in the world using custom events and interfaces.