Why does Epic for Indies have separate Learning section?

Its an even worse UX for users, to switch back repeatedly between the Forums and the Learning section (doesn’t feel like a cohesive single platform just 2 different sites). So many sections have so little value anyway… Has anyone run up against the brutal Cloudflare wall too? Where you get stopped and not permitted to consume anything (unless you manage to get past the invasive fingerprinting monster - ‘wait while we verify the security of the connection’).

Honestly can’t see this community going anywhere or becoming anything. For example, is this comment from a troll, or an accurate predictor of the future… Nothing much was learned from all the user FEEDBACK during the previous Marketplace revamp, and nothing either from all the feedback when Discourse first launched…

Epic just contribute way too little (of any real value), and only fragment things worse by pushing Discord now. Sure there will always be fortnite noobs around. Everyone else? Not so sure… Fiddling around with categories and adding a new rep occasionally only gets you so far. Example: 5 posts in one month??? Weak Epic, very weak…

Winning big against Google is great and all (legendary in fact), but not maybe, if you also let your own house burn down Tim @ Epic. :wink:

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