Why does component relative location return to 0?

I am trying to set the relative location of a USkeletalMeshComponent (named Mesh1P) which is a property within my custom Character class. I am doing so from my custom Player Camera Manager class.

Within AMyPlayerCameraManager:

void AMyPlayerCameraManager::UpdateCamera(float DeltaTime) {
    //Get custom character
    AMyCharacter* MyPawn = PCOwner ? Cast<AMyCharacter>(PCOwner->GetPawn()) : NULL;

    if (MyPawn) {
        //The new location
        FVector NewLocation = FVector(10.f, 10.f, 10.f);
        //Set the skeletal mesh component's relative location to the new location


The code above does apply the new location, however immediately the relative location will return to [0,0,0], even if the original relative location (before SetRelativeLocation() was called) was not [0,0,0].

Why does this happen? How can I prevent this from automatically happening?