Why does an actor fly away when I stick other actors to it?

So I tried to make an actor (pink sphere) simulate glue, and it’s supposed to get two other actors to stick to it. I used the Set Constrained Components and the Set World Location nodes, and that kinda works. But if I use more than a glue sphere then the actor that they´re sticked to, starts flying away and physics go crazy. How can I make it work? Is it something in the physics settings?

These are the blueprints, both are for the glue sphere

Collision interactions!
If the actors “block” each other you’ll get collision penetration which triggers depenetration.

You’re going to need to create at least one custom collision object (proj settings → collision) to prevent this. Use overlap instead of block.


Hey there @siniyhz! Welcome to the community! Rev already answered the solution to this but I’d like to add something for the visual learners and then some documentation as this will surely come up as search results for someone later!

If you ever need something to have a custom collision or trace profile, you can go into your settings and add it here!

Now in other object’s collision (in this example custom collision) the glue will always default to overlap instead of block.

and finally the documentation.


Thank you so much for answering :slight_smile: , I tried this, just like in the images below, but it didn´t fix the problem /:

Show the Collision settings for the following components:

  • Box Component
  • Box Interact Collision Component
  • Glue Sphere Component
  • Glue Interact Collision Component
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Here, the Collision settings:

Sure c:

I solved this by enabling the visibility channel in the collision settings of the glue component, and then in the projectile blueprint I told the blueprint not to spawn another glue sphere if there is already one in that exact place where the line trace is hitting.