Why does all textures is so pale?

Hi. I can’t understand, why does all textures I trying to import is so “pale” and bright? When I’m looking at it in content browser it looks fine:

But when I’m creating material it looks awful:

I’ve tried to check/uncheck sRGB and change texture Sampler Type in material from Color to Linear Color, but there is no effect. How can I fix that?

I had the same issue, and it can be a few things. I suggest you try to disable or enable sRGB to see if it resolves it. If it doesn’t do anything for you, I suggest you try to bring the image into photoshop and try to resave, and then reimport it.

It also looks like you are using some form of Cel Shading looking at the benches. If you are, then that could be the issue.

Well, I tried check/uncheck thing first without any effect. You can see it in the end of my post :grinning: For now, the only solution I found is to convert .png to .tga. You don’t need photoshop or any other tools, it can do any online converter. But I don’t want to convert all my png to tga so maybe there is another solution?

This is from another post:


Sep '16

Yes. Don’t import 16Bit. Not even for Normal maps. Also make sure your Photoshop color space is sRGB.

It seems that some .PNG files are imported with another profile or bitrate. If you try the above, the problem should be resolved! :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’ve seen this. But I can’t understand where is 16 or 8 Bit? When I’m importing image I don’t see any parameters. I just downloading images generated by AI.

The bit depth is set by the exporting tool. Thus, you have to save as / export as an 8-bit PNG. Also, sRGB profile setting matters.

Also, lighting setup can cause a paler look; for example, if specular is not black, that may reflect the light and bleach it out, especially if roughness is high. The most accurate color will happen if you make the material not lit at all, and just plug the texture data straight into the output color, but post processing will still also do things to it.

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I tried to make material unlit - nothing changed. Can I change my png to 8 bit in unreal? I can’t afford myself a photoshop.

GIMP is free. Krita is too

what kind of lighting do you have in your world outliner?

Directional light and sky light are movable. Sky light has specified cubemap.