Why does adding more LODs take so much time?

The challenge is that you’ve got 1 million polys! That’s a lot of computational work.
Adding the LODs in engine is going to require even more work than importing because it has to analyze and compute the entire mesh (which is quite big by today’s standards).

Having a auto LOD gen that would run all the LODs would probably be a good idea.


i am currently working with pretty big static meshes, each nearly 1 million polys. The import takes already quite some time, i do expect that.
But what i would like to know is, why does it take so long to add to more LODs to it? I mean before setting up the reduction settings it takes already so much time, that i am guessing ue4 is reimporting the same mesh 2 times. I would expect, it takes only the time to place 2 copys but that isnt the case.

Thinking of this, brings me to another question: why its not possible, to setup the amount of LODs including its reduction settings in one step?

Is anybody able, to shine some light on this?

Thanks :slight_smile:

But before i set the reduction setting, i am just adding LODs with no reduction, thats not decimating at that time.

I need to add that “Auto compute LOD Distances” is disabled, as i usually set the distances manualy. Will try to see, if it makes a difference to keep that enabled when hitting “Apply changes” first time.