Why does a static-mesh have a different name in the outliner vs what I renamed the asset?

I got a question… Why is there a separate name for a static-mesh in the ‘Outliner,’ vs. the actual name of the mesh itself? It seems like the name in the outliner is worthless to me, and I’d rather know exactly where my static-meshes are!

You basically have no control over the outliner name. Which stands to reason, because if you drag 20 copies of the same mesh into the level, they can’t all be called the same thing.

Technically, yes, you can fiddle around and rename them all, but the best approach is to ignore these names. They are object names, not mesh names.

If you want to know which mesh is being used, you can always see in the details.


Well that’s a bummer. I really wish they WOULD have the actual mesh-file names, and just have an escalating numbering system like (_01,_02,_03,_04) etc etc. It feels really silly to have anything in my interface be something I’m better off just ignoring.