Why do widget comboboxes default to black text on a black background in UE5?

Also, change the background color no longer works. Setting everything to inherit tint used to work in early access 1/2, but no longer works in 5.0.0 onward. One fix is setting the image to a ui material to something, starting the game and stopping it then removing the ui material, but thats an annoying hack at best.

At the same time as this likely bug was introduced, buttons show up in a weird 50% gray.

Tested: 5.0.1
Started happening on: UE5 EA-1

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Also having this issue, any word on a fix in the pipes?

Got this one too, but it is may not related to background color, the reason may is that In UComboBoxString::UComboBoxString() it uses FUMGCoreStyle to find a FTableRowStyle which name is “TableView.Row” to init class member ItemStyle, and in UMGCoreStyle.cpp “TableView.Row” item is added by a static stuff DefaultTableRowStyle with a default text color FUMGColor::Black.
In ue4.27 UComboBoxString::UComboBoxString() uses the item that from FCoreStyle, and the default color of text is FLinearColor(0.72f, 0.72f, 0.72f, 1.f).

You can change the background color in Even Row Background Brush & Odd Row Background Brush. Encountered this when upgrading from ue4 to ue5.

I was having this issue and in the end I worked out that I needed to change the Draw As setting on the EvenRowBackgroundBrush from None to Box for it to change from the dark default colour.


I think the solutions offered here don’t actually solve the issue unfortunately. Changing the color of the even and odd row background brushes just seem to cause a brush to be overlayed on top of it. If you have any sort of transparent items, it seems like the background brush is just there and there’s no apparent way to get rid of it.


the last one does!


Even and Odd BG row brushes set to white and → DRAW AS BOX ←

Thank you so much… there seems to be so little about this on the interwebs

Thanks! This worked for me. I also set the “Draw as” option to “Image” rather than “Box” and it worked. Although I suppose that doesn’t visually impact anything :slight_smile:

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You’re amazing! Thank you :smiley: