Why do the static lights influence each other?


In some/most of my ArchViz setups, the static lights interact in a very strange way. Whenever I change some parameters (brightness, attentuation radius, indirect lighting intensity), 1-3 OTHER static lights show random lighting results.

The setup:

  • The static lights simulate the ambient comming through the windows (using spot light + reflectors) or light up rooms without windows (point lights).
  • All rooms are separate objects and UV-mapped, the whole floor is a single, separate object.
  • Lightmap resolution for each room is 256-1024.
  • Spots with reflectors are set to ~3-10 (inverse squared off) with influence radius 2000-2200 (quite high, but this gives better results in hidden corners).

This is how the reflectors are set up:

Here´s an example of the light going crazy:

Room 1 and 2 have windows with spot/reflector light, 3 has spot with intensity 500/inverse squared “on”(attentuation radius 800 (so: quite dark). As you can see, the room is ultra bright. And the indirect illumination of room 1 is insufficient.

When I change the attentuation radius of the spotlight in room 2 (!) from 2200 to 2100, room 1 and 3 are illuminated correctly (or: better, the brightness is not tuned yet) after rebuilding the scene:

The spotlights do not go to “ultrabright”, they seem to adjust themselves to maintain something like a “group average”: when I brighten up one light, another goes darker and vice-versa. (not allways, but I noted this more than once). Sometimes one of the spots seem to be reset to “1 bounce”, resulting in black walls wherever the light can not reach with 0 or 1 bounces.

This happens to all 3 spots and 3 point lights in random order.

I allready tried to:

  • remove the “intermediate” folder
  • toggle between different render quality settings
  • delete the lights and reflectors and place them again (this usaly has the same effect as modifying any other paramter: one of the other lights starts acting weird).

Unfortunately, this is something I noticed in several maps with several archviz-setups and with earlier versions of UE 4 (4.8, 4.9, 4.10).

Do you know what´s wrong?
